Hi, I'm Kim & I'm a Certified Divorce, Transition and Recovery Coach.
I specialise in working with people just like you!
Coaching with Kim Bransdon
I can help you reduce the overwhelm, the emotional fatigue, the enormity of it all.
I've been where you are and some days it just feels so relentless, so exhausting and you feel so alone, whilst at the same time you're juggling work, life, family and making the huge life impacting decisions for you and your kids.
When you work with me I will increase your Divorce Stamina.
You will feel more Energised and your Resilience will grow.
Together we can navigate the Divorce process.
We will build your Financial Independence
We will work on focussing forward for your Parenting and Custody outcomes
And some days, it may just be about keeping you smiling.
You don't have to face divorce alone, I will be your champion.
"Thank you for all your support. You've been so kind. I feel like I am a much better mum now though, and I am really enjoying it"
“ Thank you, You’re a champion”
“I really felt listened to for the first time in my life. Kim got me and helped me move forward”
"Kim was like a warm blanket wrapped around me"
"Kim's calm demeanour is wonderful" "Kim shifted my perspective on parenting and validated me" "Kim really helped me take much needed actions in my personal and work life"
"I felt so supported by Kim. Kim helped me prepare and get clear on questions for my family lawyer and work through what I really wanted"
"I chose Kim, because of her similar corporate background, her accreditation, being a mum, and having experienced divorce. I wanted someone who understands all the pressures I'm under at work, being a mum, and going through this"
"I didn't feel so alone with Kim"
"My friends and colleagues can't believe how well I am coping now. I tell them it's because I have the support of a divorce coach. Most of them haven't heard of divorce coaching but can really see how much it's helping me through this"
"Kim, you have helped me so much. I will never forget how much you have done for me"
"Kim I can't thank you enough for how much you have helped me"
Free Discovery call
Let's get to know each other, you can let me know about your situation, find out more about divorce coaching and see if my style of coaching works for you. You don't have to go through this alone.
Contact Kim:
WhatsApp: +61 414 828 217
Get in Contact
Interested in Coaching but don't need a free discovery call?
Want to know more before a discovery call?
Well, you can email me at kim@kimbransdon.com or via WhatsApp +61 414 828 217
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